Blue Mountain Arts

Portal Login FAQ

  1. What is the Blue Mountain Arts Portal?
  2. The Blue Mountain Arts portal is a login protected website that allows users to view company information and submit information to Blue Mountain Arts.
  3. How do I obtain access to the Blue Mountain Arts Portal?
  4. Access to the Blue Mountain Arts Portal is granted by the site administrators. If you feel that you should have access to the Blue Mountain Arts Portal, you may request access.
  5. How do I activate my Blue Mountain Arts Portal login?
  6. When you are granted a login to the Blue Mountain Arts Portal, you will receive an e-mail message with your user name and a temporary password. The message will also contain a link to the login page. Perform the following steps to activate your login.
    1. Click the link to the login page
    2. Enter your user name and the temporary password.
    3. Click the "Login" button

    This will take you to the account activation page where you will perform the following steps.
    1. Enter a new password
    2. Note the restrictions on your new password which must be at least six characters long, must contain at least four different characters, and must contain at least three of the following four character types.
      • Lower case character a-z
      • Upper case character A-Z
      • Numeric Character 0-9
      • Special Character ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = / . , ; :
    3. Enter a security question
    4. This should be a question to which you would know the answer but someone else, even someone familiar with you, would not know. Sample security questions are provided.
    5. Enter the answer to your security question
    6. Click the "Activate Account" button
  7. What if I forgot my password?
  8. You can follow the steps below to have the system send you an e-mail that will allow you to reset your password.
    1. Go to the login page
    2. Click on the "password" link in the "Help I forgot my ..." area at the bottom of the page.
    3. Enter your user name
    4. Click the "Continue" button
      This will take you to a page that has the security question you created when activating your account.
    5. Enter the answer to your security question
    6. Click the "Continue" button
    An e-mail message containing a link that will allow you to reset your password will be sent to you. Check your e-mail and follow the instructions in the message.
  9. What do I do if I forgot my user name?
  10. You can follow the steps below to have the system send you an e-mail with your user name.
    1. Go to the login page
    2. Click the "user name" link in the "Help I forgot my ..." area at the bottom of the page.
    To use your e-mail address to lookup your user name use the following steps.
    1. Enter your e-mail address
    2. Click the "Lookup By Email Address" button
    To use your name to lookup your user name use the following steps.
    1. Enter your First and Last name
    2. Click the "Lookup By Name" button
    You will be redirected to the login page which will have your user name pre-filled.